Monday, August 8, 2011

"Y that SOMEONE"

A day comes in your life, n you are all alone.....
searching for 
 "SOMEONE"  to care, 
 "SOMEONE"  to think about u , 
 "SOMEONE"  to hold your hand ,
 "SOMEONE"  to wipe off your tears,
              but ..that  "SOMEONE"  is missing.
how much time do we spend searching 
for that  "SOMEONE" ..
sometimes its luck, we find our "SOMEONE"  ..sometimes we don't.

What about next?
again the process continues...
is it something what we r lagging, that again and again we are stuck into this infinite loop??
or is it js what we have been ignoring since so long!!

Why that  "SOMEONE" can't be "I"
take your own time ..
i give you a scratch 

                                                  "Aham Brahmasmi"

The answer lies in "Y".

Why is it that we hope that "SOMEONE" would come and save us form our demises?
Why we are still unhappy and think that  "SOMEONE"  someone is there and he would  help us out of the distress ..
and buy us the peace.


 'Udyamen hee sidhyanti kaaryaani na manorathaih,

 nahi suptasya singhasya pravishanti mukhe mrigaah

ref :a friend

Until and unless we are not ready to help ourselves , no one's gonna help us out .

sooner we realize it...sooner begins our "aspire for "Y" " and we sooner we  are off that infinite loop of search of that....someone...:-)

                                                                                                            :begin searching "YOURSELF"

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