Thursday, April 14, 2011

Summer of '11: 'THE CHANGE'

 The Change....
while making this blog post me talking to all my ...yeah , a bit upset , but i would take it for good!!.
you might wonder , why...or how..!!
 its so because, since last couple of days, sort of things which are happening with me are not at all welcome...
but still, they tought me so many things which i have been hearing my parents saying to me , just to make sure that their child never falls into any kinda trouble,
Frankly, at the times they used to say(and even now until today) , i have been taking things away from my considerations, sort of things like for which i wud have an attitude like ,"  let come , what it may,..... i'll c"
but this is the first time i am really feeling , from my heart the feeling is rising that true they are....

"A challenge made to someone is always capable of filling in you the testosterone level,
whether accepted.........
or laughed at ."

since these two days,
i have met my real being,
and certainly i would say , that i dint like it much.....even after being me , and even after having thought all these years that
 "yeah, its only me who deserves"
 "ugh...he is so dumb..i need not even worry if he even exists or not"

At once, some one so disliked by me , comes with the entirely un expected ways , deals me with entirely unexpected ways, treats me like a younger brother, n just says

"It hurts........." ;-(

Was it always like this, that i have been for so many years of my life ....have i been so arrogant to my whole 20 years of life......
whatever ...but now i don't want this to continue.....never....

i  want to change..
i  need to change..

i WILL change.....
i just pray god to be with me forever ...
and help me in what i decided...

may god help every one facing such "self"....

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